The Four Most Important Things to Talk to Your Divorce Attorney About
Whether we want to think about it or not, about half of all married couples will face a divorce in their lifetimes. The reasons are many and varied, but deciding to divorce is always quite difficult to deal with and emotions usually run high. This is when many costly mistakes can be made. This is why it is so important to quickly contact an experienced family law firm like Spencer & Collier, LLC and talk to their attorneys about protecting your financial and family interests.
How Does the Court Determine Custody of a Child?
When parents are separating or getting divorced, they usually argue over two things: money and children. Unfortunately, these arguments can get quite heated, and often are witnessed by the children themselves, to their great detriment.
What Type of Child Visitation Schedule Should I Expect after Separation or Divorce?

Unless a parent has a history of neglect, abuse, domestic violence, or other serious actions that would require the court to protect the child, the State of Utah has specific minimum schedules and rules for visitation that the judge must abide by and order when parents are unable to agree on a different visitation schedule.
Grounds to Modify a Child Custody Order

Even though the parents or the judge originally believed that a custody order was appropriate for the children of the divorced couple, a change of circumstances may necessitate some changes to the custody agreement in place.
Grandparents Rights in Divorce Proceedings

Interaction with grandparents is an important aspect of a child's life. Unfortunately, regular visits with grandparents can be uprooted when a couple goes through a divorce. Yet, what happens if a child wants to continue a close relationship with a grandparent during and after a divorce? What if the maternal or paternal grandparents want to assert visitation rights with the child? These issues are covered in the area of law known as grandparents rights.
Facts About the Legal Separation Process

Sometimes when couples are considering a divorce they opt for a legal separation first. This allows the couple to take a break from the relationship, and determine if a divorce is the right decision. Legal separations are a middle ground between divorce and marriage.
Who Gets Custody?

One of the hardest decisions that a judge is often called to make during a divorce case is who should get custody of a child. Usually, parents want what is in the best interest of their child.
What Happens to Retirement Benefits During Divorce?

Saving up for retirement is a tedious process, but there is usually a predictable, well-defined path for doing so. Relationships do not benefit from such certainty. Some couples grow apart as they age, and the end result is a divorce.
Strange Divorce Laws Across the U.S.

Divorce laws are meant to be fair and efficient. However, this isn't always the case in every jurisdiction. Any family law attorney will tell you that there are aspects of the law that cause bewilderment. Some of these strange laws are the result of an arcane legislative process.
How Does Legal Separation Differ From Divorce?

In most cases, when a couple has relationship issues they decide to separate. When a married couple decides to split up, there are a few options on the table. Couples can decide to legally separate, or divorce. Although these two choices have similar goals in mind, they have different meanings.
Things You Most Likely Didn't Know About Alimony

There are a lot of different issues that arise during the average divorce. One such issue is alimony. Also known as spousal support, alimony is a type of economic support awarded to one the parties in a divorce. Many people confuse alimony with child support, but they are two separate issues.
Divorce in Utah: Reasons Why You Should Be Considering Mediation

There's no reason that divorce has to be a long, complicated process. One way to make a divorce a lot less painful is to go through mediation. Domestic mediation is a way of negotiating a settlement in terms of the divorce. See how mediation can be beneficial to both parties.
A Look at Temporary Orders During Divorce Proceedings

Whether you are planning a divorce or starting the process, there are many different steps to consider. As any experienced lawyer will tell you, it can take some time to finalize a divorce. Yet, what do you do in the meantime if you have certain conflicts with your ex-spouse? The answer is to request a temporary order from the court. These orders can address pending issues prior to the end of the divorce proceedings. Learn how you can use these orders to handle your family or financial issues early on.
How a Utah Divorce Can Affect Your Immigration Status

Divorce proceedings can present huge obstacles for almost anyone. It is even more so the case when one of the parties is a green card holder. A person in this situation has some special considerations when it comes to divorce. This is especially true when the marriage itself was the basis for the person's legal status. Learn what you need to know before a divorce as a lawful permanent resident.
Understanding the Steps to Divorce in Utah

Divorce in Utah is often complex and stressful. If you must undergo the divorce process, you need an experienced divorce attorney to defend your best interests. If you have children, you may have concerns about child custody. If you and your spouse acquired assets, you want to protect your legal fair share.
Divorce, Child Custody, and Parenting Plans in Utah
Divorce is often difficult for spouses, children, and extended family members. Custody concerns are often paramount. Getting answers to questions like "Who will have custody of our children?" can be difficult for parents. In Utah, there aren't laws or rules about which parent gets child custody.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media During a Divorce
In the age of social media, our lives are intricately woven into the digital fabric, with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok becoming extensions of our daily existence. While these platforms serve as outlets for self-expression and connection, they can also become minefields during a divorce. At TR Spencer Law, we understand the complexities of family law, and we want to guide you through the dos and don'ts of social media use during this sensitive time.
What to Do If Your Ex Isn't Following a Custody Agreement
Divorce and separation are undoubtedly challenging experiences, especially when children are involved. Establishing a custody agreement is a crucial step in ensuring the well-being of your children, providing a framework for shared responsibilities. However, what do you do when your ex isn't following the agreed-upon custody arrangement? In this blog post, we'll explore the steps you can take to address and resolve issues when your ex isn't adhering to the custody agreement.
Navigating Separation with an Unwilling Spouse
The decision to separate is never an easy one, and when faced with an unwilling spouse, the complexities can escalate. At TR Spencer Law, a trusted family law firm based in Northern Utah, we understand the challenges that arise in such situations. In this blog post, we'll explore strategies for navigating separation when your spouse is unwilling, emphasizing a compassionate approach to help you through this difficult journey.