Incidents of cyberstalking have been on the increase because of the huge growth of available technology and devices to communicate with others. A computer, tablet, or cellphone have become the go-to weapons of choice for the modern stalker. The internet and email have made it quick and easy to cyber stalk someone.
The attorneys at Spencer & Collier, LLC bring expertise, experience, and the small office personal touch to the table, making you feel comfortable knowing that you won’t be shuffled around and lost in the crowd like some large firms may do. You will receive one-on-one attention from one of our attorneys who has the know-how to help you with your specific legal situation.
2017 Health Insurance Exchange open enrollment began November 1, but you have until December 15 to sign up to be covered by insurance on January 1st. Utah uses the Federal Exchange, but according to, premiums for Utah purchasers will be rising an average of 31%.
An interesting wrongful death case was recently decided by the Utah Supreme Court. In the case of Bagley v. Bagley, 2016 UT 48 (Utah 2016), the Court determined that a personal representative or heir of an estate can actually sue themselves for negligently causing the death or injury of the descendent.

Utahns may have to have more designated drivers and watch their alcohol consumption much more carefully in the future. According to and the LA Times, a Utah legislator will propose legislation to lower the legal blood alcohol level to a mere .05%.

The mostly disliked and teased Utah icon, the infamous "Zion Curtain," may soon be leaving your favorite restaurant and bar.
According to the Salt Lake Tribune, a legislative bill is being pushed by New House Majority Leader Brad Wilson, R-Kaysville, that, among other proposals, is attempting to eliminate the 7-foot-tall barrier wall that prevents customers, as well as children, from viewing alcoholic drinks being prepared at the bars.
Many divorcing couples own a family business operated by one or both individuals. When it comes to separating assets it can be difficult to determine how to split the business. Separating interests in a family business is both a difficult and exhausting process. Luckily, state divorce law provides some general guidelines to assist in these matters.
In the past few years some states have chosen to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Utah is not among those marijuana friendly states. In Utah the sale and possession of marijuana is still a crime. Here, we will review some of the charges and penalties involved with marijuana use in the 45th state.
Each state sets regulations for adoptions that occur within its jurisdiction. These rules determine who can be an adoptive parent, who is adoptable, and how proceedings occur. Utah has its own specific laws regarding adoption which are codified at Utah Code 78B, Chapter 6, Part 1. Here, we will look at some of the important aspects of the Utah Adoption Act.
Utahns in abusive relationships can seek protection in the court system. The court can assist these people by issuing "stay away" orders. Under Utah law the court can issue a restraining order or a protective order amongst others. These two orders are similar in what they do, but they address different situations. Here, we will look at the differences between restraining orders and protective orders.
Understanding contracts is crucial knowledge for the small business owner. Whether you are new to business, or a seasoned entrepreneur, you can benefit from reviewing the basic structure of a legal contract. In this article we will review some elementary steps to creating an effective contract.
“Per se” DUI laws exist across the country. In these states, there is a presumption that the driver of a vehicle is operating under the influence if he or she exceeds a certain level of blood alcohol concentration. Currently, in the state of Utah, the Blood Alcohol Limit (BAC) is .08%. However, Governor Herbert has signed a bill that will lower the limit to .05% and will take effect Dec. 30, 2018.
Consumer hopes to make even more income and find better jobs next spring are higher than ever. This will be a big shot in the arm toward continuing to boost an already robust economy in Utah.
Residents of the state of Utah are not subject to a state gift tax. Therefore, the people of Utah are free to give as many gifts as they like without having to pay state taxes. However, Utahns are still subject to the federal gift tax system. Here we'll explain how this affects the act of gifting in the state of Utah.
With the legal drinking age being set at 21, it is not surprising that many teenagers and college students have resorted to using fake IDs to purchase alcohol. However, they may not feel it is really a big deal, but the State of Utah takes this violation very seriously.
Franchises arrangements are usually developed by determining territorial rights and the total number of franchise units that will be purchased. Below are four types of agreements franchised businesses commonly form.
When a person unjustly dies due to an act by another there may be a claim for wrongful death. This type of personal injury action seeks to compensate family members for losses related to the death. However, there are very strict rules which dictate how and when such a claim can be filed.
Practically every adult has dealt with interest rates at some point. Whether the interest was tied to a vehicle purchase, credit card, or bank loan they generally work the same.
Euthanasia concerns the right to end your own life to avoid prolonged pain and suffering. The concept gained national attention in the late 1990's and was associated with the notorious doctor, Jack Kevorkian.
The law behind premises liability deals with assigning legal responsibility to landowners. Specifically, it determines whether a landowner is liable for injuries suffered on the land. Landowner liability differs from state to state. However, there are some general principles that are shared by all jurisdictions.